Gateshead Sapipa FC powita Polskich chłopców
Gateshead Sapipa Football Club chce nowych graczy (-lat 13) dla bardzo przyjaznego zespółu.
Sapipa ma strony internetowa:
Gateshead Sapipa to bardzo udany - Russell Forster League zespół, ale ubawi się też.
‘Trening’ w poniedziałek wieczorem 7pm- 8pm na Cardinal Hume School w Gateshead
Mecze są rozgrywane w niedzielę rano w Gateshead (naprzeciwko Gateshead Stadium).
E-mail: lub telefon Jamie na 07906627882 dla więcej informacji.
Polish boys welcome to join Gateshead football team
Gateshead Sapipa Football Club want new players for their very friendly under 13's team. They’re particularly looking for school year 7 going into year 8 lads for next September’s team, but all enquiries for players of different ages are welcome. Their website is:
Gateshead Sapipa is a very successful Russell Forster League team. Having recently received promotion the team is going from strength to strength. The emphasis of the team is on enjoyment, but coaches do require 100% effort from all team players.
Any local Polish boys looking to join a football team next season are urged to consider trying out for Gateshead Sapipa FC.
Training sessions are normally held at Cardinal Hume School in Gateshead on a Monday night 7pm - 8pm.
Home matches are played on a Sunday morning at Bede School in Gateshead (opposite Gateshead Stadium).
Email: or phone Jamie on 07906627882 for more information.
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